Thursday, August 18, 2011

Getting my act together

I started this blog back in January and I never came back. That is all about to change! The point of my blog is to make sure I get a menu plan down, and attempt to make it the best for the least amount of money a week. Once a month do a pantry challange for a week. The final reason is to try and review new recipes that I would never try. I hope my family and friends enjoy this blog, if not at least I can do it for me. Lets see how this all works out!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New to blogging

I decided to make this blog so I can keep track of all the yummy recipes I loved, liked, or hated! I feel like I need a place to express my desire to expand my cooking. On top of recipe reviews there will also be weekly book reviews, because I just got back into reading since I got my new NookColor for Christmas. Now that I got all that out there I would like to tell you a little about me and my family. I am a 24 wife/mother of a wonderful husband and daughter (expecting another in May). I am a SAHM/College Student, so I am a busy mom!